How Do I Use the Helium 10 Chrome Extension to Do Research on Walmart?


The Helium 10 Chrome Extension for Walmart lets sellers research products and keywords on 

For new users, review the article How Do I Install and Navigate the Chrome Extension? An Introduction and Overview.” 

Also make sure to pin the extension to your toolbar for easy access when you are researching products or keywords directly on or Click on the Chrome puzzle piece icon in the toolbar to see which extensions you have pinned to the toolbar. Pinned extensions light up in blue.


Special considerations:

  • The Helium 10 Xray for Walmart often returns up to 500 products in a search. Helium 10 strongly recommends that sellers focus on the products ranking within the first 160 spots for the most effective research analysis.
  • Xray (and the Listing Score Widget) have been designed to work on the current Walmart pages. Walmart appears to be testing new page layouts on their site, so some product page results may not display data as expected. The software should work as expected on most pages.
  • With limited historical keyword data for Walmart, Helium 10 has chosen to include its extensive Amazon keyword data for comparison purposes. 
  • Helium 10 uses the UPC to identify Walmart products that are also sold on Amazon. Amazon does not require sellers to provide a UPC, therefore, at the moment, Xray may not find all corresponding products sold on both sites. When viewing the top-level data in Xray, the Amazon average monthly revenue and price are based only on those products in the results that have corresponding UPCs to the products on Walmart.

This article is divided into four sections: 1) accessing the Chrome Extension, 2) using Xray and Supplier Finder on Walmart, 3) using Demand Analyzer on Walmart, and 4) understanding the Listing Quality Score.

I. Accessing the Chrome Extension on Walmart

1. Once you have Helium 10 Chrome Extension installed and pinned to your toolbar, open up using the Google Chrome browser.


2. Search for a product using the open search field at the top of the window. 


Allow the search results to load.


3. Click on the Helium 10 icon in the top toolbar to activate the drop-down menu.



II. Using Xray (and Supplier Finder) on Walmart

4. While on a product search results page, open the Helium 10 Extension by clicking on the icon in the toolbar. Choose the Helium 10 account within which you want to work, if you have more than one, and then click on the Xray - Walmart Product Research button.


5. Xray opens a window filled with data relevant to the products that appear in the search results for the keyword you entered into the search field.


6. Across the top of the window, Xray displays top-level data for the currently loaded products, including a scaled evaluation of the search volume on Walmart (very low to very high), the estimated total revenue, the average monthly revenue and price on Walmart and Amazon (for products identified by their shared UPC as selling on both platforms), and the percent of search results products that are shipped free (WFS).


7. As you load additional product data, using the Load More Results link at the bottom of the window, this data will change to reflect the added products in the calculations.


8. Also along the top of the window, Xray has a button that allows you to see preliminary information about suppliers and the cost of sourcing similar products. Supplier Finder is essentially a tool within a tool since it lives inside Xray. Click the button to open Supplier Finder.


This second window is a peek into the search-related data located on Alibaba, including the top products, their prices, minimum order, lead time, and critical information about the manufacturers. You can filter the results, or conveniently jump to the Alibaba site to view more results.


To learn more about Supplier Finder, check out the article, “How Do I Use the Alibaba Supplier Finder in Xray?” Click the X in the top right corner to close the Supplier Finder window for now.

9. Under the Search Volume estimation in the top left corner, click the Related Keywords text to open a list of the top related keywords. 

At the moment, Helium 10 is detecting relative keyword rank and sorting keywords into a 5-point scale: very low, low, medium, high, and very high. In its current version, Walmart Search Volume is meant to provide sellers with a directional metric to complement their research. Helium 10 recommends comparing its extensive Amazon data against Walmart data as part of one’s research analysis. Keep in mind that Walmart customers' shopping habits will not be identical to Amazon customers’ shopping habits.

10. To sort the search volume results from low to high, click the sorting arrow located next to the text Search Volume.

CE4walmart3_copy.png11. To see a keyword’s search results on either Walmart or Amazon, click on the linked keyword phrase to open the search results page on its associated platform. The first keyword is already open on Walmart because it is the basis of the current Xray results, but you may want to see Amazon’s search results page for the keyword or see additional site-based results for the remaining relevant keywords on the list.

12. To view the Search Volume History on Amazon, click the graph icon (Helium 10 has extensive data on Amazon search volume, which may provide insight into the potential search volume history on Walmart). The graph opens in a separate window, and you can click on the time periods--30 Days, 90 Days, 1 Year, and All Time--to see the historical changes. Hover your cursor over the graph to see the Search Volume for a specific day.


13. To save the graph’s data to your computer, click on the stacked lines in the top right corner (the hamburger) and choose one of the file types--CSV, XLS, PNG, or JPEG from the drop-down menu.


14. Already know the price range and revenue goals you’re looking for in a product? Xray for Walmart has an excellent set of filters that allow you to filter down the search results, which can number up to 500. As noted previously, Helium 10 recommends focusing product research on the top 160 ranking products.

CE4walmart4_copy.png15. The filters allow you to set ranges for retail price, number of ratings and reviews, and number of images, both on Walmart and on Amazon, if Xray has identified the same product there. To hide sponsored products, products with or without ASINs, or products sold directly by Walmart, check the corresponding boxes. You can also choose only to see results for products that are part of Walmart’s free shipping offer. 

Use the drop-down menu in the top right corner to narrow down the category.


If you are uncertain about a filter’s purpose, click the handy tooltip to open an explanation.


When you are done entering your filtering conditions, click the blue Apply Filters button. Xray will apply the changes to the displayed data on the main Xray window.

16. Xray can display a lot of data columns. To manage which columns appear in the search results--and which data you might want to download--open the Column Settings window by clicking on the Column Settings icon above the last column in the display. Use the checkboxes to show or hide a column. A blue checked box indicates that data will be displayed. The Product Rank, Product Details, Brand, and Category columns cannot be hidden.


As noted in the Column Settings window, there are a lot of data columns. To see the ones that do not immediately appear in the Xray window, use the thin, gray, horizontal slider at the bottom of the chart. Use the thin, gray, vertical slider to the right of the columns to scroll through to more products.

17. The main area of the Xray results display delineates each of the products and their related data, across a series of columns. As noted previously, the Product Rank, Product Details, Brand, and Category are permanently displayed. 

The data loads in order of the products’ rank for the search keyword, meaning products appearing at the top reflect the order in which Walmart shows the search results to the customer. (Product visibility directly correlates to sales.) All of the loaded products can be sorted based on individual column data by using the sorting arrows appearing in each column header.

18. If you want to remove a product from the results, click on the box next to the Product Details column and use the trash icon that appears next to the text Rows Selected to delete it. 

Keep in mind that Walmart displays sponsored products differently than Amazon. In its search results for a keyword, Amazon shows both a product’s sponsored rank and its organic rank, if it has both. In its search results for a keyword, Walmart only shows a product once, so if it is currently ranking as a sponsored product, it will not appear organically. If you delete a sponsored product, you may be eliminating a top-selling product from the data analysis.


19. Inside the Product Details column, Xray displays the primary image, the product title, and the promotional tags that Walmart assigns to different products.


  • Blue SP Symbol: Signifies a product with a sponsored ad running at the time of the search.
  • Green P Symbol: Signifies a promoted product that Walmart has tagged as New, Clearance, or Reduced Price
  • Pink PS Symbol: Signifies the 3rd party seller is an approved ProSeller by Walmart standards. According to Walmart’s documentation, a ProSeller designation is assigned to 3rd party sellers who it considers to be a “Quality service provider” who provides “Consistent on-time delivery” and “Free online or in-store returns.”

The W+ symbol signifies the product has free shipping, regardless of whether it is shipped by Walmart or the 3rd party seller.

CE4walmarttags_copy.png20. Several columns display the identifying product code: Walmart (Product ID), General (UPC), and Amazon (ASIN). All Walmart products will have a Product ID, and most will have a UPC. When a seller also sells on Amazon and has shared their UPC with Amazon, then Xray will find and display the product’s ASIN from Amazon, along with all the data available for that product in Helium 10’s databases. 

Remember that all Amazon data, including the data in the boxes at the top of Xray’s window, are based solely on the search results for listed products in which Xray is able to detect the same product being sold on Amazon.


Note that Amazon product data is matched against Walmart product data using the UPC. To find this shared data, Walmart must make the UPC public, and the seller must have reported that UPC to Amazon as well. If either of these conditions is unfilled, Xray will show N/A in the Amazon data columns.

21. The next set of columns, after Walmart’s Product ID and the UPC, display key data about the product including its selling price, the number of reviews and the rating, and how many images appear in the listing. 


22. Next, after the ASIN column, Xray displays several columns of useful Amazon data to help sellers make comparisons concerning price, sales, search rank, and the number of sellers competing for market share. In addition to giving context to the relatively new Walmart data, these columns provide sellers insight into potential differences between the two platforms in terms of customer preferences (price being one of the most important data points for Walmart and its shoppers) and selling challenges.

CE4walmart6lamzcolumns_copy.png23. The final columns focus exclusively on Walmart data. In these columns, you can discover whether the product is also being sold in physical Walmart stores, whether the seller has enhanced the listing with additional advertising content, whether the product offers free or 2-Day delivery, and whether customers can gift to an individual who is not the buyer. 

The Seller type is especially important for Walmart. If the seller is listed as 1P, then it means that Walmart is selling the product directly to the customer. If the seller is listed as 3P, then it means that the seller is a 3rd party private seller.


24. Xray makes it easy to download the results of your research. You can either download the data as an image or as a CSV file. Click the corresponding icon in the bottom right corner.


The image file will look similar to this file.


And the CSV file will look similar to this file.


III. Using the Demand Analyzer on Walmart

Frequently, sellers like to expand their research across several websites. The Supplier Finder, explained in section two, allows users to coordinate their product research using Xray on and using Supplier Finder on The Demand Analyzer allows users to extend their product research on Walmart, by searching on Amazon as well.

25. From a Walmart search results page or product page, open the Helium 10 Extension and click on the Analyze Product Demand on Amazon button.

CE4walmart9openDA_copy.png26. Next, choose the marketplace where you want to extend your research, using the drop-down menu in the top right corner of the Demand Analyzer window. The Helium 10 extension will automatically add the original searched keyword to the search field, but you can change it by typing in another phrase or clicking on one of the suggested keywords.

If you run Demand Analyzer while on a product page, you will need to type in the keyword because there won’t be a search term for the extension to automatically enter into the field.


27. Demand Analyzer now displays the preliminary search results from Amazon including estimated search volume, estimated monthly revenue, average revenue, average price, top related keywords, the Word Frequency, and the top selling products.


28. Choose the marketplace where you want to continue your research.


29. From the Demand Analyzer window, you can deepen your research into the product research software Black Box and the keyword research software Magnet.


To continue your product research into Black Box, click either the text See all metrics or the text See all top products.


To continue your keyword research into Magnet, click either the text See full keyword list or the text See full word frequency list.


Unless you are researching the market, remember to use the drop-down marketplace menus to choose the market where you want your search to focus.

To learn more about researching products using Black Box, or researching keywords using Magnet, check out the articles and Pro Training videos on the Helium 10 Knowledge Base.

IV. Understanding the Listing Quality Score on Walmart

People shop with their eyes. As a result, retail platforms like Walmart encourage sellers to create the most attractive listings possible to increase sales. When sellers are researching a potential product, the quality of the competitor’s listings can play an important role in analyzing whether there is room for improvement (and more sales), both in one’s competitor’s listings or your own.

Helium 10 has created a Listing Quality Score to help users analyze the quality of a listing. Based on Walmart’s own internal scoring criteria on content, offer (price), and ratings, the Helium 10 score is proprietary and based on its own analysis of similar attributes.

30. To see a score, open a product listing page on At the top left of the primary image, note the Helium 10 symbol and the Listing Quality Score.


31. Each of the three sets of criteria has its own scores, which appear as a percentage next to the section heading. Click Score Breakdown to open a full explanation of the score. Use the Expand arrows located on the right side of each section heading to display the details. The first set of criteria evaluates the title, description, and images, according to Walmart’s recommended guidelines.


32. The second and third sets of criteria, the price, and the reviews, also factor into the overall score. Walmart weighs the Offer price as a significant factor in its own internal score, and Helium 10 takes that into consideration when calculating its Listing Quality Score. The last element considers how positive the Ratings and Reviews are for the product.


Helium 10 welcomes all feedback on users’ experience with the software. Please share your feedback on the Helium 10 software dashboard. 

Open the form by clicking on the ? circle in the top toolbar, and then select Share Your Ideas.

If you encounter problems using the software, please contact Customer Support directly using the link below the article.

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