
Now that you’ve explored your Insights Dashboard a bit, let’s take a deeper dive into the Insights section.


Once you log into your account, Insights is the first section you come across. You will see that each suggestion will be labeled with an impact level and a See Details button.

Note: Insights are only included in the Diamond and Supercharge Your Business tiers. To learn more about upgrading your plan, review this article.

See Details

When you select See Details on a suggestion, an Insight Details window will pop up on the right-hand side with additional information. The Insight Details will also include which ASIN is being impacted by this suggestion.

The Action button will take you to the corresponding tool to act on the insight. In this example, the suggestion recommends updating an Adtomic campaign and links you to Adtomic.

Once you’ve reviewed the insight and decided to either act upon it or ignore it, you can remove it from your Insights list by selecting Mark as Completed or Delete Insight. Delete the insights you don’t plan on completing and mark the actions complete once you’ve followed through with the recommendation.

How to See All of Your Insights

 Select the See All button to review all your insights together.

From this page, you can see how many total insights are currently being recommended, as well as how many you’ve completed so far. The insight list below will show the following for each recommendation: the estimated impact, the ASIN impacted, the Status, and the insight Creation Date. You can sort this list by clicking on the column header you want to sort by.

If applicable, the impact will show the estimated financial impact of not taking action on the insight.

You can filter your Insights by ASIN or SKU.

You can perform bulk actions on your insights by selecting the checkboxes and then choosing the action you want to perform.

Now that we’ve learned more about Insights, let’s take a deeper dive into the graphs of your Insights Dashboard.

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