Getting Started with Insights Dashboard

This article will provide a brief description of all the features of your Insights Dashboard. Clicking on the titles of the section will bring you to articles with more in-depth content. 

This article covers the following content:


Before getting into the data and insights of your dashboard, make sure you are researching the correct marketplace for your business. You can check and change your marketplace in the drop-down menu in the top-right of your Insights Dashboard.

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The first section listed in your Insights Dashboard is the Grow Your Business section. This section provides quick, actionable suggestions customized to your listings that are designed to help grow your business. For each suggestion, you will see the potential impact level as well as a See Details button. Clicking See Details will open a popup with more details on the suggestion and a way to implement the suggestion. Selecting See All will open the Insights tool with all of the suggestions for your listings in a filterable list.

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The graphs section provides visual displays of your Revenue, Top Products, and Advertising data at a glance.


The Revenue graph displays an overview of many of your key financial results. This graph is very customizable, so you can change it to provide the best data for you.

Top Products

The Top Products tab shows a graph of your top products’ data for revenue, units sold, or refunds.


The Advertising tab shows your key advertising metrics, including Gross Revenue, PPC Spend, ACoS, and TACoS.

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My Products

My Products is the bottom section of your Insights Dashboard. It lists each of your products in a customizable table with useful metrics, including Insights and Alerts specific to each ASIN.

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Ready for a deeper dive into your Insights Dashboard? Check out our in-depth article on Insights.

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