Adtomic Dayparting Schedules

The Adtomic Schedules page allows you an easy way to view a visualization of hourly data and create scheduled automations based on that data to be more efficient with your ad spend on Adtomic.


This article covers the following topics:

Navigating Adtomic Schedules

The Schedules page will display a graph of selected campaigns by day and hour based on your time window and day selection. You are able to choose key metrics to be seen on the graph so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not you want to perform certain dayparting-related actions.

Viewing Hourly Campaign Performance

Note: Hourly Analytics data is only available for accounts and marketplaces set to "Manage" under the Adtomic Settings Page.

To view hourly campaign performance:

1. Visit the Schedules page from the left-hand navigation menu.


2. Choose your filters. Available filters are:

      • Campaign - Choose the campaigns to see analytics for
        Note: By default, the dashboard will show all campaigns within your account.
      • Period - Choose the date range to view analytics for
      • Days of Week Included - Choose which days to view analytics for
      • Metrics - Choose 2 metrics to analyze per other selected filters


Creating an Adtomic Schedule

Adtomic allows you the ability to easily create a schedule to take certain actions on selected campaigns.

To create an Adtomic Ad Schedule:

1. Click + Create Schedule

      • If you had already filtered for campaigns, time periods, and days of the week, you will be prompted as to whether or not you want to carry over those filters or start fresh with no filters applied

2. Schedule Name

      • Input a meaningful Schedule Name so that when you visit your Schedules page later on, you will know which Schedule refers to which campaigns and schedule rules

3. Parameters

      • Configure your parameters if you chose not to carry over filters from the primary Schedules page with hourly analytics. You have the ability to filter by the following to view hourly analytics and to set up a schedule:
        • Campaign - Choose the campaigns to see analytics for
        • Period - Choose the date range to view analytics for
        • Days Applied - Choose which days to view analytics for
        • Metrics - Choose 2 metrics to analyze per other selected filters
      • Select time ranges to change the default state of the selected campaigns on certain days and times as defined by your other parameters.
        • Add as many blocks of times as you wish

4. Start & End Date

      • Choose when you want the schedule to start and when you’d like for the schedule to end

5. Click Next.

6. Review your configured Schedule and click Save Schedule.

Editing or Removing an Adtomic Schedule

To edit an Adtomic Ad Schedule:

1. On the main Schedules page, scroll down to view your list of created schedules.

2. Click on the mceclip0.pngicon under the Actions column.

3. Make appropriate changes and click Next.

4. Review your updated schedule and click Save Schedule.

To remove an Adtomic Ad Schedule:

1. On the main Schedules page, scroll down to view your list of created schedules.

2. Click on the mceclip1.png icon under the Actions column.

3. Click Delete to confirm you want to remove the schedule.

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