How Many Devices Can I Have Logged In at a Time?

Each Helium 10 account is limited to two concurrent logins. This means you can be logged into your Helium 10 account on two devices at the same time.

What Happens if You Attempt to Log a Third Device In?

Logging into Helium 10 on more than two devices will disconnect one of the other devices and display the following message.


Can You Add More Devices to One Login?

You are not able to add more devices per login, but you do have the option to add new users.

How Does This Impact Sub-Accounts?

The two device login restriction applies per user login, so it will not impact login access for subaccounts. 

How to Add Users to Your Account?

If you would like to add users to your account, review this article for detailed instructions. 



Create a Free Helium 10 Account Today!

 Start with the free extension: Download the Helium 10 Chrome Extension.

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