How to Create Amazon Attribution Links in Portals

Advertising off the Amazon platform can be an effective way of improving your sales. However, monitoring the performance of your marketing efforts can be a challenge. Amazon Attribution Links enable you to easily create attribution URLs for off-Amazon advertising while empowering you to measure the sales impact of your off-Amazon advertising. To learn more about the Brand Referral Bonus offered by Amazon, review the program here

This article covers the following topics:


To utilize Amazon Attribution Links, you must connect your Helium 10 account to your Amazon seller token and your PPC token. If you haven’t connected them, you will see this notification. It is also only available for brand-registered sellers.


In addition to being Brand Registered, sellers must go to and register for the Amazon Attribution Program and enroll in the Brand Referral Bonus Program. You will see the following screen displayed once you’ve enrolled.


Marketplace Availability

In addition to the requirements listed above, Amazon Attribution Links are currently only compatible in the following marketplaces:

    • Canada
    • United States
    • Germany
    • Mexico
    • Netherlands
    • Spain
    • France
    • Italy
    • United Kingdom

Entitlements per Plan Tier

The following is a breakdown of the total link creation limits per plan:

    • Free plan - No access to Amazon Attribution
    • Platinum - Customers can create up to 20 links.
    • Diamond - Customers can create up to 500 links
    • Supercharge Your Brand - Unlimited links

How to Create an Amazon Attribution Link

1. To create an Amazon Attribution Link, start off by opening Portals and selecting Amazon Attribution from the menu on the left.


Note: To utilize Amazon Attribution Links, you must connect your Helium 10 account to your Amazon seller token and PPC token. If you haven’t connected them, you will see this notification. It is also only available for brand registered sellers.

2. On the Amazon Attribution dashboard, if you have created Amazon Attribution links, you will see a list of all links that you have created so far. If you have recently gained access to this feature and have not yet created links, the table will not have any information displayed.


3. To create a link, select the New Link button on the top right.


Note: The total number of Active Links you have created will be displayed next to your account’s maximum limit. If you need more links, you can either archive some of your existing links to free up space or upgrade your subscription plan.


4. The New Amazon Attribution Link window will appear, prompting you to fill out four fields.


    • Marketplace - Select the marketplace for the link you want to create. If a marketplace is grayed out, it is not available at this time. This could be because you aren’t selling in that marketplace, or it’s not a compatible marketplace at this time.
    • Select ASIN - Select the ASIN for the product you are creating a link for. All ASINs from your seller central account will be displayed in the list.
    • Publisher - Select the Publisher you will be using the link for. 
      • Note: If you select Other under the Publisher field, you can create a custom Publisher Name for your data tracking needs. This is useful for cases that aren't part of major advertising platforms. For example, you could use this option to create attribution links for blog posts or influencer marketers that you work with. The custom "Publisher" name could be the title of your blog post or the name of your influencer. You can keep track of all the various marketing efforts in your strategy.


    • Add up to 5 Keywords - This is an optional field that you can use to create a canonical URL. 

5. After you’ve filled out each field, select Generate Link


6. A Link Generated confirmation will display with your new link.


Amazon Attribution Links Metrics 

1. Begin using the link you generated for your marketing, and you can monitor the Amazon Attributions dashboard in Helium 10 to see how it is performing. 


2. The dashboard lists out each link you’ve created with the following metrics:

Note: Clicks will update instantly, the remaining metrics will take approximately 48-72 hours.

    • Marketplace - The marketplace you’ve selected for this link.
    • ASIN - The ASIN connected to this link.
    • Clicks - The number of times this link has been clicked.
    • Units Sold - The number of times a purchase was made by a customer clicking the link.
    • Sales - The dollar amount total from the sales made off of this link.
    • Referral Bonus - The dollar amount Amazon has awarded for directing customers to the Amazon website. Click here for more details on the program.
    • Actions - Clicking on the three dots opens the Actions menu with the following options:
      • Copy the link
      • Create a new link for this ASIN
      • Edit keywords for this link


3. For a detailed view of the clicks over time, select the graph icon in the Clicks columns. You can adjust the timeline of the graph as needed.



How to Archive an Active Link

If you have a link you are no longer using, you can archive it to free up space for a replacement link. 

1. From the main Amazon Attributions page within Portals, select the 3 dots icon to open the Actions menu and select the Archive icon.


2. You will see an Archiving Links confirmation window. Click Archive Link to confirm.


3. The archived link will no longer track attribution data, but it will continue to direct traffic to your product. Your number of Active Links will decrease by one, and the status within the list will update to Archived. You can still review past attribution data for your archived links.


How to Activate an Archived Link

If you have archived a link that you stopped using, you can activate it to begin capturing attribution data again. 

1. From the main Amazon Attributions page within Portals, select the 3 dots icon to open the Actions menu and select the Unarchive icon.


2. The activated link will begin tracking attribution data once again. Your number of Active Links will increase by one, and the status within the list will update to Active.



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