Which Formats are Compatible for Elite Analytics?

Black Box Elite Analytics currently supports the upload of four different file formats. This article provides an overview of what those formats are and where to find the data sources.  

Formats Available for Upload: 

    1. Black Box Keywords
    2. My List
    3. Custom List


Black Box Keywords

1. First, you will need to go to the Black Box tool from the Helium 10 dashboard.

2. Go to the Keywords tab within Black Box.


3. Add filter selections to get your preferred keywords to be used within Elite Analytics. After you’ve selected your filters, click the Search button.

4. Click Download to CSV.


5. Upload your downloaded CSV report directly into Elite Analytics! 


Amazon Brand Analytics

My List

1. Go to My List - Keywords from the Tools drop-down menu.


2. Click the Download Folder CSV icon next to the folder you want to use within Elite Analytics.


3. Upload your downloaded CSV report directly into Elite Analytics! 

Custom List

1. Open your preferred data management tool, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

2. Your first column (A) needs to be dedicated to your keywords

a. Include a header in column A1 labeled any of the following: Search Term, Keyword, Keywords, Phrase

i. If another header name is used, the file will not be compatible

b. Add your keywords directly beneath the header within Column A


3. If you would like to further include other additional columns you may do so by adding those to the right of Column A. You will be given the option to export your uploaded report or only the columns that were originally provided by Helium 10.


4. Export from your preferred data management tool to CSV.




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