How Do I Use the Product Ratings Conversion Feature Inside Follow-Up

Wouldn’t it be helpful to know how many customer ratings get generated by automated review requests in Follow-Up? Let's see how it can be done.

The Follow-Up dashboard has several charts, including a Product Rating Conversions graph that tracks the review requests that Follow-Up sends out against the number of new ratings recorded. This data set allows you to compare the two metrics and draw potential conclusions about their relationship.

To see this data, you must have automated Review Requests being sent out, either via Amazon’s request a review or in an automated email, and you must have activated Alerts product tracking. Follow the steps below to learn how to enable product review tracking.

1. In Helium 10, open Follow-Up. You can click the Follow-Up link available in the top toolbar, or open the full Tools menu and locate the link under the Operations section.


2. The Follow-Up dashboard displays top-level data, including a series of graphs showing Reviews Requested, Product Rating Conversions, and Mail Delivery, which track the progress of your automated email messages.


Under the Product Rating Conversions graph, Follow-Up posts the number of ratings requested for the selected time period, along with the ratings received during that time. 

The Conversion Rate shows the relationship between the two metrics. In addition to their raw numbers in the second and third boxes, the Ratings Requests data appears as a teal-colored line on the graph, and the Ratings Received data appears as a gold-colored line.

The conversion rate may sometimes exceed 100% because customers will be leaving reviews even if they haven’t been sent an automated request for a review.


3. If you have already automated Review Requests, you should see data appear in the Reviews Requested chart. If you don’t see any data, you probably need to enable the software to track your product ratings. Data is updated daily.

There are two ways to enable tracking:

Enabling Product Ratings Tracking from Follow-Up

From inside Follow-Up, click to the Product page, and switch the toggle under the Review Statistics column for each product you want to gather ratings data on. The Product Review Tracking Enabled box shows you how many products you track and what your account allows. Account limits are the same as tracking limits in the Alerts tool.


When you enable the Review Statistics feature in Follow-Up, it will take time to collect the data. Keep in mind that when you turn on this feature, it only collects new data as it happens. It doesn’t collect historical data.


Enabling Product Ratings Tracking from Alerts

To Enable Ratings Received tracking, open Alerts. The Alerts tool is located under the Operations section in the main Tools drop-down menu.


On the Alerts dashboard, activate tracking for a product by clicking the On/Off toggle to On. The switch is located to the far right of each product box.


When you have enabled the tracking of a product, Follow-Up immediately begins to acquire the ratings data for that product. You can turn off tracking for a product by toggling the button to Off.

4. When you return to the Product page in Follow-Up, you can review your Rating Request Conversions by individual product.

Each enabled product displays the conversion rate and has a pop-up Review Statistics Summary. Click the chart icon in the Review Statistics column to see the summary.


The pop-up Review/Rating Summary displays two stacked charts; the top is the product’s Review Rating graph, and the bottom is the product’s Reviews Received vs. Requested graph. Use the date picker to set a date range.

The Review Rating graph tracks any changes in your product’s overall rating. 

If you hover your cursor over the rating stars in the top right corner, you can see the spread of ratings as they appear on Amazon.


Once you turn on tracking, Follow-Up will begin recording and saving your Ratings data for you from Alerts. As more data is collected, you will start to see patterns emerge, allowing you to analyze the impact of your automated Review Requests.

The Reviews Received vs. Requested graph breaks the data down into multiple lines. Each rating score is displayed separately by color. A 5-star rating appears as a gold line, a 4-star rating as a red line, a 3-star rating as a purple line, a 2-star rating as an orange line, and a 1-star as a green line. In addition, the total number of Received ratings is a black line, and the number of Requested reviews is a blue line.


5. To turn off tracking and the ability to view the Ratings Conversion data for a product, toggle the enabling button to Disabled.


For more information about using Follow-Up to build your brand and develop positive customer experiences, check out the Follow-Up section of the Knowledge Base.


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