Elite and Diamond members who manage their Amazon PPC using the powerful Helium 10 Adtomic platform can monitor their Adtomic ad spend and fees in the Plans & Billing area of the member profile.
1. From the dashboard, click on the profile icon in the top right corner.
2. On the Plans & Billing page, click on the highlighted text that says View Billing History located in the top left of the chart.
3. If you are on the Diamond or Elite plan, and have activated Adtomic to manage your Amazon PPC, the Adtomic ad spend widget will display at the top of your Billing Information window.
4. Helium 10 displays the current billing period’s Adtomic ad spend. That date range is based on your billing cycle, so if your Helium 10 account is billed on the 10th of the month, the Adtomic ad spend will follow. Because complete ad spend data from Amazon is generally delayed by several days, the total Adtomic ad spend for any billing period will generally finalize 3-4 days after the end of that billing cycle.
5. To see a previous billing cycle’s data, use the drop-down date menu in the top left. Select the date range for the period you want to view, and it will display.
6. The Adtomic billing bar graph includes a bold black line to show the PPC spend limit, before an added 2% fee is assessed, helping you visually track your actual spend against your limit.
7. To see your reported daily Adtomic ad spend, and the actual accumulated spend for a single billing period, hover over a date at the bottom of the chart. A pop-up window will display both.
8. Due to Amazon’s methods in assigning attribution of sales to PPC ads, the most recent three days’ click numbers are in an unstable state of change. Consequently, Adtomic does not include them in its live analysis. This includes the tracking of all Adtomic ad spend. The most recent three days’ Adtomic ad spend will not record until Adtomic has confirmed the numbers are as accurate as possible.
9. If you review the previous month’s data 3-4 days into the new billing cycle, you will be able to see the full spend of the previous month’s Adtomic ad spend. In this example, the prior billing cycle only has a total of USD 2,723 spent on PPC, far short of the limit on the account. If an account exceeds the Adtomic PPC Spend limit, sellers will see the 2% fee charged on their credit card several days after the end of the previous billing cycle.
10. To download a current or previous billing period Adtomic ad spend report, choose the time frame from the drop-down period menu, then click the Download full report button. The file will download as a CSV file.
To view the report using Excel, open Excel and then Import the file (the process may vary slightly, depending on the type of computer and which version of Excel you are using).
The report will contain the daily Adtomic ad spend, as well as the accrued spend, by individual market.
To read more about the fees associated with large Adtomic ad spend, check out the article “Which Helium 10 Plans Include Adtomic and How Much Does Adtomic Cost?”
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