How Do I Use the Black Box Save Filters and Filter Library Buttons for Future Searches?


As you become an experienced Seller on Amazon, you learn and develop a variety of methods to find product opportunities. Your primary product research tool, Black Box, gives you five tabs and twenty filters to creatively search out yet-undiscovered opportunities. 

But with so many filtering options, it can be difficult to remember the specific criteria you may have used in the past--which filters, with which values--that consistently helped you find amazing products during previous searches.

Helium 10 lets you save and store your previous search criteria for easy retrieval. The Save Filters button allows you to save and name a set of criteria you determined effective, and which you might want to access again later in your Filter Library. There is no limit on the number of filters you can save.

Note: The Save Filter function does not save a specific search, only the criteria used for that search. Helium 10 updates search data regularly. To save your search results for a specific search, be sure to use the Download to CSV command located at the top of the results section of the window.


Let’s create and save a filter.

1. Open Black Box and select the filters and criteria you want to use as the parameters of your search for products on Amazon. Click Search to confirm that the criteria returns useful information in the results.


This set of filters on this particular day returned a total of 157 results. Helium 10 recommends that your search results are limited to no more than 200 products for optimal analysis.


2. If you are satisfied with the results, click the Save Filters button. A window will appear where you can name the filter.


3. In the pop-up window, type in a name that will help you remember the parameters of this set of filters.


4. Click OK. A confirmation window will appear.


5. Now, whenever you want to start a new search with the same criteria, you can find it by name in the Filter Library. Click on the Filter Library button.


6. A window will open with two tabs--one holding your personally saved filters, and on with Helium 10 Sample Filters.


7. To see your saved filters, click on the tab and filter name that you want to load into the search fields, and click Apply.


8. To see the sample filters provided by Helium 10, click on the Sample Filter tab and the filter name that you want to load into the search fields, and click Apply. These sample filters are not meant to be used for any purposes other than to demonstrate how a filter works. Helium 10 does not endorse any of these sample filters for real world searches.


9. Black Box automatically enters all the saved criteria of the Sample or Saved Filter into the specific filters for a new search.


10. If you want to delete a previously saved filter, click on the Filter Library button and go to the tab where the saved filter is stored. Hover over the saved filter and click the Red X to delete.


A confirmation window will appear letting you know the saved filter has been removed. This action cannot be undone.


11. Finally, if you are conducting multiple searches with different sets of filters, be sure to use the Clear Filters button before you begin entering new filter criteria. 


Choosing a different filter from the Filter Library also clears and overrides any existing filter selections you may have selected.


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