Helium 10 is in a constant state of improvement. Part of this process is gathering user feedback on features as quickly as possible. To help facilitate this feedback, we will sometimes release features that are still considered a work in progress. This practice of providing users access to in progress features is known as a Beta Release.
Currently, we are working to enhance the structure of Profits in order to provide our users with a truly market leading Sales Analytics Tool. To accomplish our goal we will be releasing a number of enhancements in sequence.
Our first step is to provide users access to more detailed information related to the orders and financial events data that we collect from Amazon, which requires some rework of our back end architecture.
This new architecture will be used to populate data on the new Orders and Financial Events pages. However, this new data will not be used throughout the entire Profits platform. We will take a period of time to gather user feedback and provide enhancements to these new pages. Once we believe that our new data collection and storage models are up to the standards of our users, we will begin the process of connecting this new data structure to the rest of Profits.
Until we complete this process, the data shown on the Orders and Financial Events page will come from a different source, and will be stored separately, from the data that is used to populate the rest of Profits.
During this period, it will not be possible to map your Profits Dashboard order totals to the orders page data. Once the entire Profits Platform is aligned to a single data structure, all of our dashboards, charts and pages will be in sync and we will remove the Beta Tags from our new features.
We appreciate your patience as we work to make improvements to the Helium 10 Platform.
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