How to Find Suggestions for Additional Keywords Using Magnet

Magnet helps you discover the product-relevant keywords required to write effective listings and set up successful sponsored ads. Let's check out the different ways to fine-tune your research for keywords using Magnet. Click here to watch a video introduction and overview of Magnet.

1. To get started, log into Helium 10 and open Magnet by selecting it from the Tools menu.

2. Within Magnet, you have two tabs for keyword research. Find Suggestions takes a single keyword and provides relevant keywords to add to your list. With Analyze Keywords, you enter up to 200 keywords and Magnet provides data to help you determine which ones are worth keeping. If you already have a group of keywords that you are looking to narrow down, review the Analyze Keywords article.


3. Before you begin a keyword search, select the marketplace you want to research. Click on the drop-down marketplace icons next to the search field, and the available options will be displayed.


4. Now that you have your marketplace set, enter your keyword in the search field and select Get Keywords.


5. The search results will populate a large number of keywords at the bottom. To narrow your search, use the Filters section. Select Show More to see all the filter options. Once you’ve finished customizing the filters to your liking, select Apply Filters to update the keyword results at the bottom of the screen.

a. Amazon filters:

      • Magnet IQ Score: based on the ratio of estimated search volume vs. number of competing products. A high score indicates a relatively high number of searches compared to the number of competitors, and a low score means the opposite.
      • Search Volume: estimated number of times this keyword phrase is searched for monthly. 
      • Word Count: number of keywords in the search phrase.
      • Competing Products: total number of products returned in a customer search using this keyword/phrase.
      • Phrases Containing: shows phrases that contain the entered keywords.
      • Title Density: number of page 1 products with the searched keyword in their title.
      • Match Type: source from which a keyword is drawn (Organic, Smart Complete, or Amazon Recommended).
      • Search Volume Trend: trend over the last 30 days.
      • Amazon Choice: filter keyword results based on the Amazon Choice badge status.
      • Exclude Phrases Containing: excludes phrases that contain entered keywords.


b. Walmart filters:

      • Search Volume (Walmart): based on proprietary estimates that are currently in beta. Exact and historical data are currently unavailable.
      • Search Volume (Amazon): estimated number of times this keyword phrase is searched on Amazon monthly. 
      • Word Count: number of keywords in the search phrase.
      • Competing Products: total number of products returned in a customer search using this keyword/phrase.
      • Phrases Containing: shows phrases that contain the entered keywords.
      • Match Type: source from which a keyword is drawn (Organic, Smart Complete, or Amazon Recommended).
      • Best Seller: filter keyword results based on the Walmart Best Seller badge status.
      • Exclude Phrases Containing: excludes phrases that contain entered keywords.


6. The Keyword Summary provides a high-level overview of your keyword results. A detailed description of each subsection of the Keyword Search Summary is listed below:

a. View Top Products: this shows the top 3 products for the chosen keyword. Selecting one of the images will open it in the Cerebro tool.

b. Keyword Distribution shows how many of the keywords are organic, smart complete, or Amazon recommended. 

      • Organic Keywords are the exact words customers have typed in to search for products. 
      • Smart Complete means the keyword is an exact match for part of the keyword phrase. 
      • Amazon Recommended keywords are the keywords customers search on Amazon that Amazon recommends one or more products for, based on the customer's search.

c. Search Volume shows the number of searches within the last 30 days. If you click on the chart icon you will see historical search data at selected intervals of 30 days, 90 days, 1 year, or all time.

d. The Magnet IQ Score identifies products with high search volume and a low number of competitors. The higher Magnet IQ Scores represent a better opportunity than keywords with lower scores.

e. CPR (Cerebro Product Rank) is a formula that estimates the number of promotional sales a product will need in order for it to rank in the top half of page one for a keyword. The lower the number, the easier it will be to get the product ranked highly.

f. Word Frequency is a breakdown of the most frequent words used in the keyword phrases.


7. The bottom section shows the results of your keyword research. The results can be sorted by each column and the columns can be reorganized by simply dragging and dropping them. See below for detailed descriptions of each column:

      • The Magnet IQ Score identifies products with high search volume and a low number of competitors. The higher Magnet IQ Scores represent a better opportunity than keywords with lower scores.
      • Search Volume shows the number of searches within the last 30 days. If you click on the chart icon you will see historical search data at selected intervals of 30 days, 90 days, 1 year, or all time.
      • Search Volume Trend shows how the search volume is trending over the last 30 days.
      • The Sponsored ASINs metric shows the number of ASINs detected running sponsored ads recently in search results associated with this keyword phrase. 
      • The Competing Products column shows the total number of products returned in a search using the keyword/phrase. 
      • CPR (Cerebro Product Rank) is a formula that estimates the number of promotional sales a product will need in order for it to rank in the top half of page one for a keyword. The lower the number, the easier it will be to get the product ranked highly.
      • Match Type will show: 
        • A for Amazon Recommended
        • S for Sponsored
        • O for Organic
      • Title Density shows the number of page 1 products with the searched keyword in their title. The lower the number, the greater the opportunity to rank for this keyword.

8. You can add or remove columns by selecting the gear icon and then unchecking any columns you want to exclude.


9. As you browse your keyword results, you can manually refine your list by selecting the trash icon next to any words you would like to delete from your list. You can click on the View Deleted Words tab to browse deleted words and return them to the list if you would like to.


10. Another method of narrowing down your list of keywords is to add to the list of Common Words. This is located at the top right of Magnet. Any word included in your Common Words list will not appear in your Magnet search results.


11. Click on the Export Data button to download your keywords, import them into Frankenstein, or copy to your clipboard.


12. Magnet stores your searches so that you can return later and continue working on them within the tool. Select the History button to access your previous work within Magnet.



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