Managed Refund Service Overview

The Managed Refund Service is designed to put your business first while streamlining the refund claims process and eliminating the stress of manual procedures. This article covers the following topics:

What is the Managed Refund Service?

Managed Refund Service (MRS) is a refund recovery service offered by Helium 10. It is maintained and operated by Helium 10 and our backend service team. MRS aims to recover funds for sellers from Amazon by identifying and submitting recovery claims on their behalf.

How it works

Once opting into MRS, you will connect your account(s) to set up claims service provided by our service team. We highly suggest opting for inbound claims and creating packing lists to begin the process of inbound claims submissions.

What is the difference between MRS and Refund Genie?

Refund Genie provides you with the reports to help find which claims to file and requires you to manually file and submit claims directly to Amazon via Seller Central. Managed Refund Service is a premium service that will be completely hands-free. Once you set up your account(s), our team will handle all claim identification and submission on your behalf.

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Setting up your account

Access Managed Refund Service in two ways:
1. Select the Tools tab on the navigation bar on top of the screen and select Managed Refund Service under the Operations section
2. Select the Managed Refund Service tab on the navigation bar at the top of the screen

When accessing the Managed Refund Service for the first time, you will be prompted to select “Connect to Amazon” to begin to set up your account(s). By connecting to Amazon, you are allowing the service tool to connect to your Amazon Seller Central token to find accounts to provide MRS service to.

If you have not yet connected your Amazon seller token to Helium 10, you can read more information here on how to do so before connecting to Amazon for Managed Refund Service.

After connecting to Amazon, you will have the ability to select which account(s) you would like to set up for Managed Refund Service in the drop-down.

Once an account is selected from the drop-down, select the blue Set up button.

After selecting Set up, you will be taken to a new landing page to continue to set up your Amazon connection to MRS by completing the following 4 steps:
1. Navigate to Global User Permissions
2. Provide the Invitation Link
3. Assign Permissions
4. Inbound Service

Step 1: Navigate to Global User Permissions

1. Log in to the applicable Amazon Seller Central account. Select the link Open Global User Permissions to quickly access and log in to Amazon Seller.

2. Click on the Settings icon in the top right corner, select User Permissions

3. Select Global User Permissions

4. Within Global User Permissions, click the Authorized Partners tab.

Step 2: Provide Invitation Link

1. Within the Authorized Partners tab, select the Add Authorized Partner button

2. From the newly opened window, please copy the URL and paste it into the text field on the set up Managed Refund Service page and then select Send

Step 3: Accept Invitation and Provide User Permissions

1. After providing the invitation link in step two, please wait up to one minute to receive the corresponding invitation from Pacvue. 
2. From the Authorized Partners tab, select Open Invitations and find Pacvue MRS on the list.

Note: If Pacvue doesn’t appear in the Open Invitations, refresh the permissions page. If it continues to not show up in "Open Invitations" after a few minutes, please Contact Support.

3. Select the Accept Invitation button and grant the following permissions below:

4. Ensure the Permission Name and Type are set in each section. Select Save at the bottom right of the page to apply the changes.

Step 4: Inbound Service

Inbound full service is a specific service for Inbound claims that allows you to fully authorize Helium 10 to submit these claims on your behalf once you set up your packing list templates for your Amazon account. Helium 10’s inbound claim service is fully compliant with Amazon regulations. When selecting this service, you are confirming that you are a brand owner or manufacturer. You must be brand registered to use this feature. 

Important: By using this service, Helium 10 will not review the packing list(s); thus, you are ensuring that the packing list(s) generated are complete, accurate, and up to date with the necessary information.

To activate and set up Inbound Full service:
1. Select the Activate Inbound Full Service checkbox below to confirm full service for Inbound claim types.

Once all four steps are completed, select Next.

Note: It is highly advised to complete all four steps for each account you onboard for MRS. If you do not wish to set up Inbound claims for your Amazon Seller Central account(s) at the time of initial onboarding, you can do so at a later time. See How to Enable Inbound Claims Service

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Create Your Packing List for Inbound Claims

If you have selected the check box or enabled Inbound claims, you will be led to a landing page where you can create your Inbound claims packing list.

On the left-hand side of the page, enter your company information to fill out and complete the packing list template:

  • Company Name
  • Company Address
  • Brand Logo: upload an image for your brand logo
  • Name of Authorized Signatory
  • Image of Signature: upload an image of the authorized signatory's signature

Note: The Packing List Preview is a sample preview with sample data of products in the packing list. Please double-check the information you entered to ensure it is correct before saving and activating your packing list.

Once a packing list is saved and activated, the following pop-up module will confirm that your account is now ready and activated:

Select Go to Managed Refunds to access the main page. Once activated, please allow time for the claims page to populate. It may take up to three business days for initial claims to be processed and available for viewing.
If the activation has failed, you will receive a module stating Activation Failed and a prompt to review the information provided and revisit steps if necessary. You may contact support if the activation continues to fail.

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Add a New Account

You can add more than one account for MRS. On the Claims Overview and Claims Cases landing pages:

  • Select Setup Account on the right-hand side next to the Account drop-down

  • Here, you will see a list of all accounts associated with your Amazon Seller Central token. To set up additional accounts for MRS, select the Set Up button, and you will follow the same steps when onboarding your account. See Setting up your accounts for more details.

Account Statuses for Managed Refund Service:

Active- The account is active, and claims are being processed.
Inactive – The account is not active, and claims are not being processed. Please select set up to set the account up to begin MRS service.
Awaiting Accept invitation – This account is in the process of being activated. Please go to Seller Central and check the Authorized Partners tab in Amazon Seller Central, select Open Invitations, find Pacvue MRS on the list, and grant permissions.

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Enabling Inbound Claims

To enable an already active account for inbound claims, select Setup Account on the right next to the Account drop-down. This will reveal your list of accounts on a page on the right side of the screen.

To enable Inbound, you can click on the toggle inbound service for your account(s). Then select Edit Packing List to begin to edit the packing list for your account. See the Create Your Packing List section for more information.

You can also enable accounts for inbound claims by selecting Setup Inbound on the Inbound page as well. 

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Claims Overview

At the top of the dashboard, you will see three sections on the claims overview dashboard:

  • Available Claims
  • Reimbursed Amount
  • Number of Processed Claims

Available Claims

This is the number of unprocessed claims we've found that are available to submit for reimbursement. To stay within Amazon's limits, we won’t submit more than 50 cases per week.

Example Above - Available Claims for Project X is $16,774.77

Reimbursed Amount

The total amount that has been reimbursed from successful claims

Example Above - Reimbursed Amount for Project X is $15.59

Claims in Progress

The dollar amount of reimbursement claims that are currently in progress with Amazon, with the total number of cases shown next to it.

Reimbursed & Available Claim Amount

The Reimbursed & Available Claim Amount section shows a breakdown table view of the months, total reimbursements, available reimbursements, and number of processed claims.

  • Month: The date range for reimbursed, available, and total number of processed claims
  • Available: This is the amount of unprocessed claims we've found that are available to submit for reimbursement.
    Note: To stay within Amazon’s limits, the Managed Refund Service will send about 50 claims a week.
  • Reimbursed: The total amount that has been reimbursed from successful claims
  • Amount in Progress: The dollar amount of reimbursement claims that are currently in progress with Amazon
  • Number of Processed Claims: The total number of claims submitted claims by Helium 10

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View Customization:

Select the chart on the table to view your data by Month or Year

Monthly View:

Yearly View:

You may also specify dates with the date range selector and customize the data shown in the table by selecting Customize.

You can also download the data by selecting Export Data.

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Claim Cases

The claims cases page will show all claim cases for your active MRS accounts in which you can filter the following:

  • Type: You can select in the drop-down from the claim types: Warehouse, Return, Replacement, Inbound
  • Case ID: Enter the Case ID number of the Submitted claim
  • Claim Status: Select in the drop-down from the following statuses: Pending, Failed, Reimbursed

Claims Table Overview:

  • Total: This is the total for the dollar amount for each column: Est Claim Amount, Reimbursed by Cash, and Reimbursed by Inventory
  • Case ID: The case ID that is submitted by the H10 Services Team
  • Claim Status: Status of the claim that has been submitted to Amazon by the H10 Services Team (Pending, Reimbursed, Failed)
  • Claim Type: Type of claim processed (Warehouse, Return, Replacement, Inbound)
  • Claim Date: Date of when the claim was submitted by Helium 10
  • Est. Claim Amount: The estimated dollar amount the user may receive from Amazon for the claim case. If Amazon rejects this case, the claim status will be Failed.
  • Reimbursement ID: ID provided by the Amazon Reimbursement Report for a successful reimbursement claim (a successful reimbursement claim means that Amazon has refunded the account). The reimbursement report will also provide the Claim Case ID as well.
  • Reimbursement Date: Date of when Amazon made the reimbursement
  • Reimbursed by Cash: The dollar amount that has been reimbursed by Amazon that goes directly to the user
  • Reimbursed by Inventory: The dollar amount reimbursed by Amazon for lost or damaged inventory

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Inbound Page

The Inbound page shows the progress of inbound claims submissions. You can also set up accounts for inbound claims and create packing lists here.


  • Claim Status: Reimbursed, In Progress, Failed, Pending
  • Shipment ID: an identification number assigned to shipments that fall under FBA shipments.
  • Reimbursement ID: ID number provided by the Amazon Reimbursement Report for a successful reimbursement claim
  • Case ID: The Case ID of the submitted claim

Inbound Table

  • Shipment ID: an identification number assigned to shipments that fall under FBA shipments. Shipment IDs will have variances; the automation for inbound will detect which shipment IDs have variances and store them in the database to be shown on the page.
  • Shipped Date: The shipment ID date of when it was created
  • Account: Displays which account is associated with the claim. To display this column, enable it in the table settings.
  • Market: Indicates the marketplace (e.g., US, UK) associated with the claim. To display this column, enable it in the table settings.
  • Discrepancy Units: The variance of the units the seller shipped and Amazon received will only display those shipment IDs that Amazon received rather than from what the seller has shipped.
  • Est. Discrepancy Amount: the estimated dollar amount for discrepancy units of the Shipment ID.
  • Claim Status: Status of the inbound claim
    • Reimbursed: Amazon has approved and reimbursed the inbound claim
    • In Progress: The Case has been sent to Amazon
    • Pending: The Pending Service team is working on the claim
    • Failed: Amazon has denied the claim, and no reimbursements have been made
  • Case ID: The Case ID of the submitted claim
  • Expiration Date: This date indicates the deadline for file submission. This column serves as a reminder to upload files before this date.
  • Reimbursement ID: ID number provided by the Amazon Reimbursement Report for a successful reimbursement claim
  • Reimbursed Amount: Total amount Amazon has reimbursed for the Case ID

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How to Resubmit a Failed Claim Case

If a claim case fails on the Inbound Claims page, you can resubmit it to Amazon by providing the necessary documentation, such as a Bill of Lading (BOL) or Proof of Delivery (POD). Follow these steps to upload the required files and resubmit your claim:

Step 1: Identify Claims Needing Evidence

  • On the Inbound Claims page, select the Pending Upload option to filter and display only the cases requiring additional documentation.
  • Locate the claim that needs documentation and select Upload.

Step 2: Upload Documentation

  • After selecting Upload, a pop-up window will appear.
  • In the pop-up, you can either click Choose File to browse and upload the necessary documents from your device or simply drag and drop the files into the designated area.

Step 3: Check File Requirements

  • Hover over the icon in the upload window to view detailed requirements for file types and limitations.
  • Review the following documents for additional guidance:
    • Amazon Policy Doc: Guidelines for accepted file types.
    • Reconcile Shipment Doc: Instructions for preparing acceptable documents.

Step 4: Handle Upload Errors

  • If the upload fails, an error window will notify you.
    • Common reasons for upload failure include exceeding Amazon's file size limit or using unsupported file types.
    • Adjust your file accordingly (e.g., reduce file size or convert file type) and try uploading again.

Step 5: Verify Successful Upload

  • Once the upload is successful, the case ID hyperlink will populate.
  • Click the Case ID Number to navigate to the case page on Amazon Seller Central.
  • Review the case details to understand the reasons for the initial failure and ensure compliance.

By following these steps, you can efficiently resubmit your failed claim cases and provide Amazon with the necessary documentation for review.

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This section allows you to easily review the service fee rate and monthly billing amounts.

  • Amazon reimbursement amount - This represents the total amount Helium 10 has helped you recover from Amazon, encompassing both cash reimbursements and inventory value.
  • Threshold - This is a fixed dollar amount that is set for each customer that will be subtracted from the Amazon Reimbursement amount when totaling the service fee each month. 
  • Fee Rate - This is the agreed-upon service fee percentage for MRS, applied to each successfully reimbursed claim.
  • Service Fee - The total amount in which you will be invoiced for each month.
  • Invoice Status - It will show as "Paid" or "Open" if payment has not yet been made.

  • Invoice Due Date - The last date this billing should be paid.

Which Amazon Marketplaces are supported?

The following marketplaces offer MRS support:

North and South American Markets

  • United States
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Brazil

Far East and Indian Markets

  • Singapore
  • Australia
  • Japan
  • India

Middle East and African Markets

  • United Emirates
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Egypt

European Markets

  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • France
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • The Netherlands
  • Poland
  • Turkey

For Frequently Asked Questions, review this article.

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