Adtomic FAQs


How Long Does It Take for Amazon Advertising Data to Load into Adtomic?

Depending on the size of your account, including the number of running campaigns, keywords and associated search terms, it can take 1-24 hours. 

Also, if you have ever used the same login details for another account, or have been given User Permission to access someone else's Seller Central account in the past, that data will also eventually appear in your Adtomic account as part of the process of transferring your data to Adtomic via Amazon's API.

Even if you have been removed as a User on other accounts in Seller Central, the API still uploads the data as if you still have access. This is an issue on Amazon’s end and they are working on a solution.


How Are New and Negative Keyword Suggestions Generated in Adtomic?

New and Negative Keyword suggestions are generated based on the rules you set up. If you use the Adtomic campaign builder to create a campaign, the rules are automatically generated once you complete the last step.

If you manually create a new rule, Adtomic generates suggestions as soon as the parameters you set are met. To view those suggestions, simply go to the Suggestions page. If you enabled automation in the rule, go to the Change Log to review it.


How Long Does It Take for Adtomic to Generate Suggestions?

Automation begins analyzing data as soon as you activate it for each campaign. 

In addition, we take action on a nightly basis (PST) based on your updated ad performance data for that day.

Automation typically starts suggesting changes after three to five days for fast moving SKUs.  Slower products will not have as much data to analyze, and can take as long as two weeks before suggestions populate.

The automation will use historical data, but if your account is brand new, Adtomic needs to get bid history data before it can make meaningful decisions.


How Often Does Adtomic Update Its Data?

Adtomic updates its data every 24 hours. However, before you act on any of that data like changing bids, keep in mind the following issues:

  1. Sales Attribution. When a customer buys your product after clicking on one of your ads, it can take up to 12 hours for Amazon to update its sales data. As a result, same-day data is rarely reliable. 
  2. Canceled Sales. Amazon removes data for canceled sales and payment failures within 72 hours. Therefore, Amazon might adjust sales and ACoS metrics for up to three days after a sale.
  3. Invalid Clicks. Amazon identifies invalid clicks that are illegitimate, accidental, or machine-generated. These clicks can take up to 72 hours to be removed, which can change spend metrics. 

Within the campaign-level tooltips in Seller Central, Amazon explains all of the above information. It also recommends “waiting until all sales data is populated before evaluating campaign performance.”

In practical terms, that means waiting to evaluate data for at least 72 hours, since data generated during that early time period is too volatile to be dependable. Helium 10 recommends waiting at least a week or more to make changes.

It’s also worth noting that Amazon’s pixels (coding that tracks customer’s online actions) can result in later, additional changes in sales and, therefore, your ACoS. Amazon continues to attribute sales to your Sponsored Product campaigns for 7 days, and to your Sponsored Brand and Sponsored Display campaigns for 14 days, based on their pixels.

In effect, a customer may click on your ad early in the month, but delay purchasing the product until six to 14 days later. Through that pixel, Amazon knows when the customer previously clicked on your ad, and depending on the campaign type, attributes the sale to the day it was originally clicked. 

The prudent way to determine the full effectiveness of any campaign is to wait 7 days on Sponsored Product campaigns, and 14 days on Sponsored Brand and Sponsored Display campaigns, then review your final numbers. 


What Does the Automate Button on the Ad Manager Level Activate When It’s Turned On?

Adtomic continuously makes Bid Suggestions on all keyword- and ASIN-based campaigns for active users regardless of whether or not the campaigns were created in Adtomic. 

The Automate button in the Ad Manager does not activate Bid Suggestions. You get Bid Suggestions, regardless of whether you activate the Automate button or not. 

Bid Suggestions can be found on the Suggestions page under the Bid column.

The Automate button controls whether the Bid Suggestions are applied automatically or manually

When the Automate button is turned on, Adtomic automatically applies any Bid Suggestion changes for the user. For campaigns in which the Automate button is turned on, users can go to the Change Log page to review the changes that Adtomic has already automatically applied for them.When the Automate button in the Ad Manager is turned off, users must manually apply Bid Suggestion changes. For campaigns in which the Automate button is turned off, users can manually review and change their bids while on the Suggestions page.


Does Applying a Suggestion in One Campaign Affect Other Campaigns With the Same Keyword?

No. Each Suggestion is connected to individual campaigns and Ad Groups.

If you want to see where a particular keyword is being paused, increased or decreased as a Suggestion, you just need to hover over the keyword and a pop-up window appears with the keyword's status, campaign, type of campaign, Ad Group, and current bid.



Why Do I See an “Incomplete” Status in Seller Central for Campaigns I Created in Adtomic?

You do not use keywords to launch an Auto campaign in the Adtomic Quick campaign builder because Amazon provides and tests keywords for you. Until Amazon begins converting search terms to promote from your Auto campaign, the status in Seller Central will display as Incomplete. As soon as Adtomic  identifies converting search terms and adds them as keywords to your Research and Performance campaigns, Amazon will update the status to Enabled.


Can I See Both My Organic and Advertising Sales in Adtomic?

Adtomic displays your Advertising Sales and your Total Sales in the opening Dashboard, and in the Analytics - Product Level window.

In order to see Total Sales and Total ACoS (TACos) within Adtomic, you must have an active MWS token. 

To determine your organic sales, you can subtract Advertising Sales from Total Sales. Adtomic calculates ACoS and Total ACoS (TACoS) for you.

On the main Dashboard, this data appears as totals in boxes located at the top of the window.


In the Analytics Level, and on the Product Level tab, the data appears in the columns. This specific window also breaks down the data for each individual product.



How Do I Bulk Edit Keywords in Adtomic?

Open Adtomic and go to Ad Manager.


Click on the campaign you wish to edit.


On the individual Campaign level, click on Keywords.


From the Keyword tab, look for the box next to the column heading Keyword. Check the box.


Once you click the box, all the keywords will be selected, and you will see new tabs appear at the top of the list that allow you to perform bulk operations.



How Do I Find Negative Keywords I Previously Added to My Campaigns in Adtomic?

When you apply a negative keyword suggestions in Adtomic, they are automatically applied at the Ad Group level. You can also manually add negative keywords at the campaign level. To find the negative keywords that Adtomic applied, follow these steps. 

Log into Adtomic and navigate to Ad Manager. Find the campaign for the negative keywords you want to see. 


This opens the campaign up at the Campaign Level. Click on Ad Groups, and then the campaign name again.


This opens the Ad Group Level. From this window, click on the Negative Keywords tab.



How Do I See My Accounts in Adtomic?

To see to all of your linked Amazon accounts in Adtomic, go to the drop-down menu located at the top right of the page. Click on the menu arrow, and the list of all your accounts will appear. Select the account from which you want to view your data.


If you do not see an account in Adtomic that should be available in your account selector, please contact customer service.


How Do I See Which Amazon Advertising Accounts Are Linked to My Helium 10 Account?

You can see which Amazon Advertising accounts are active and linked to your Helium 10 account by using the drop-down menu under your profile on the Helium 10 dashboard to go to Connections.


Under Connect your PPC Accounts, you can see the details of your connected Amazon accounts. The numbers on the flags correspond with the number of profiles or markets associated with your seller or Vendor account(s). The prefixes (Entity vs. A) indicate vendor vs. seller accounts. Although Vendor accounts can appear to be linked to your Helium 10 account, Helium 10 only supports seller accounts.



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