This article shows you how to find features and use the functionality of the Ad Manager level in Adtomic to make changes to your campaigns. This level of Adtomic is similar to the Campaigns window found inside Seller Central. The Ad Manager displays all the data for each of your campaigns.
1. To access the Ad Manager, log into your Helium 10 account, click on Adtomic, and go to the Ad Manager Dashboard.
2. You can filter the data displayed on the Dashboard in several ways. Use the search bar in the top left corner to filter the displayed campaigns.
Adtomic will identify and display only the campaigns that match the searched words.
3. Also, you can use the filters for Period, Status, Campaign type and Targeting type to manage what appears on the Dashboard.
4. To narrow your displayed data by specific metrics, click on the funnel icon next to the drop-down filters to open a new pop-up window where you can set the ranges of ACoS, ROAS, Spend, Sales, Daily Budget, Clicks, Orders, CPC, CR, CTR, and Impressions.
5. To sort the data in the columns from high to low, or low to high, click on the down arrows in the column header. To show or hide different columns, use the column selector feature in the top right corner. Click the boxes for data you want exposed, and unclick boxes for data you want hidden.
6. When you’ve finished filtering the data to only show what you want to view or keep, you can Export it to your email account.
7. In addition to organizing and viewing data, you can manage aspects of your Advertising on the Ad Manager Dashboard.
To enable, pause or archive a campaign, use the buttons in the Status column located adjacent to the relevant campaign.
8. You can edit your Daily Budget or Target Value for each campaign from the Ad Manager Dashboard. Click on the Edit icon in the assigned column and change the value.
9. Under the Bid Algorithm column, you can change the strategy for a campaign from Target ACoS to Max Impressions or to Max Orders. Click on the existing Bid Algorithm, and change it.
Click Apply Change to switch algorithms, or click Discard Changes if you want the Bid Algorithm to remain unchanged.
When you choose Max Impressions or Max Orders, the accompanying Target ACoS will disappear because the advertising strategy is no longer driven by ACoS.
To learn more about the different Bid Algorithm strategies you can employ with Adtomic, check out “What Are the Differences Between the Adtomic Product Lifecycle Stages?”
10. Finally, you can Automate Keyword Suggestions using the Toggle switch in the Automate column, and review and edit those rules by clicking on the cog wheel under the Rules column.
11. To dive into specific campaigns, and move from the Ad Manager Dashboard to the Campaign level, click on the name of the campaign.
Campaign Level
12. On the Campaign Level for a specific campaign, you can see all the related Ad Groups, Keywords, Search Terms, Negative Keywords and Products. The Campaign Level opens on Ad Groups as its default display. This tab allows you to drill down into your data by Ad Group.
13. From this level you can also create a new Ad Group for this campaign. Click on the + Ad Group in the top right corner to access the form.
Search Term, Negative Keywords and Product Tab
14. Clicking on Search Terms opens a list of all the search terms associated with this campaign. The features of this list work in the same way as the Keyword tab under Ad Groups works, except that you are looking at all the Search Terms across possible Ad Groups for this Campaign.
Like the Search Terms tab, the Negative Keywords and Product tabs work the same way they do under the Ad Group tab, with the only difference being that it will show all the Negative keywords and Products included in all the Campaigns Ad Groups. The functionalities are the same.
Because most of the time, you will likely be working on the Ad Group tab, let’s review those shared features in the next section.
Ad Group Tab
15. If you click on Keywords, under the Ad Group Level, you can see all the keywords associated within that Ad Group and look for poorly performing keywords. Check the ACoS column for keywords that are not meeting your targets, for example. You can pause or archive individual keywords, using the adjacent buttons in the Status column.
16. Staying on the Ad Group Level, and clicking on Search Terms, lets you make some optimizations manually.
17. Next to each search term in the list, you’ll see a tiny clipping icon. You can click on it to copy the search term and then add it to another list or campaign. If you want to copy all of the search terms, click the list header clipping icon next to Search Term.
18. If you find a poorly performing search term, you can make it a Negative Keyword by clicking on the Looking Glass icon in the Negative column.
19. Also on the Ad Group Level, you can click on the Negative Keywords tab, and use the + Add Negative Keywords feature to add words and phrases you don’t want your ads to appear for when a customer searches using those terms.
20. Finally, the last tab under the Ad Group Level, Products, works the same way as the Negative Keywords tab. To add additional products to an ad group for a specific campaign, click on the Products tab under Ad Group, and then click + Add Products to Advertise, located in the top right corner of the window.
Check out the article “How Do I Create an Advertising Campaign Using Adtomic?” to go through the steps of building a campaign.
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