This article shows you how to use Listing Analyzer to research one product listing on Amazon.
1. Open Listing Analyzer from the Helium 10 Dashboard.
2. To begin an analysis, search on an ASIN or an Amazon product page listing. You can also open up previous searches by clicking on the History button. Enter the ASIN or URL in the available search field. At the moment, Listing Analyzer is available only in the US, but when it is available in other markets, you will need to select the appropriate market as well.
3. Once you’ve entered the ASIN or URL, the Analyze button lights up, and you can click it to prompt Listing Analyzer into action.
4. The results appear in three sections. At the top, you’ll see the product, ASIN, and individual rating for the product you entered. If the product isn’t the one you wanted, or you want to add another product to the analysis, you can Enter a new product or Start a new Search.
5. The second section of the results gives an advanced breakdown of the listing. This analysis incorporates data not included in the Chrome Extension’s Evaluator, and includes additional elements gathered in feedback from sellers.
- Listing Score incorporates all of the Breakdown items
- Listing Score is color-coded based on the number of items the listing meets or exceeds
- Some products do not allow 150 characters, but 150 is standard for the majority of listings
- Amazon states it doesn’t like bullet points in all CAPS
- A+ content is enhanced content that might include videos, competitor analysis, test results or other content that build Brand awareness and trust
- Quality images on white backgrounds
- At least 7 images, ideally both product and lifestyle images
- Video(s)
- Number and average of ratings
With this information, you can find areas where you can improve on your own listing, or areas in which you can outperform your competitors’ listings.
6. In the third section of the analysis, Listing Analyzer dives into the Market Analysis of the product.
In a single product search, Listing Analyzer reports the ASIN’s sales, revenue, price, BSR, and the number of reviews along with their average rating. Under the seed ASIN’s data, the software displays the Market Average for comparison. Listing Analyzer’s Market Average is based on data from the products that have the most shared highly ranked keywords with the seed ASIN.
7. The last section of the analysis displays important keyword data relevant to the seed ASIN. To be included in the analysis, the keywords must:
- Include the product in its top 10 organically ranked results
- Have a monthly search volume of 500+
Keyword Data displayed:
- Total keywords for which the product ranks
- Total keywords for which the product ranks in the top 10
- Total keyword search volume in which the product ranks
- Total keyword search volume in which the product ranks in the top 10
In the keyword list, Listing Analyzer displays the very top keywords for which the product is ranking, showing whether that rank includes the Amazon Choice badge and its exact rank at the time of the search. You can see the total and historical monthly search volume for each top keyword.
8. Listing Analyzer makes it easy to deepen and extend your keyword research. Using the icons next to each keyword, you can import the keyword into Magnet, and/or to the Amazon search results page for the keyword.
9. If you want to dig deeper into all of the Top Total Keywords the Listing Analyzer has identified, then click on the Continue in Cerebro button at the bottom of the window.
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