Good product listings are so important in the competitive landscape of Amazon that many of the Helium 10 tools have been created especially to organize and generate strong listings or to research the content needed to develop those listings.
The Listing Analyzer tool helps users get a broad, top-level view of their current or potential competitors’ listings simultaneously. The tool is available across all subscriptions. Helium 10 members can research competitor product listings based on their plan limits.
The Listing Analyzer allows the user to analyze a single ASIN listing or analyze up to 10 ASINs as a group of listings. The data displayed varies depending on how you use the tool. This article covers the following topics:
- Getting Started
- Single Listing Analysis
- Multiple Listing Analysis
- Results Overview
- Summary
- Sales Overview
- Category & Subcategory BSR
- Detail Page Traffic and Conversion
- Compare Key Metrics Across ASINs
- Average Listing Quality Score (LQS) Analysis
- Competitor Analysis
- Top Keywords Analysis
Getting Started
Open Listing Analyzer from the Tools menu at the top of the Helium 10 dashboard. It is located under the Listing Optimization section.
Single Listing Analysis
To utilize the Listing Analyzer tool when using a single listing, follow these steps:
- Select the market from the drop-down menu. Listing Analyzer focuses on a single market in every search.
- Enter the ASIN or the Amazon product page URL into the Enter a main ASIN field.
- Click the Run Analysis button to begin your research. The data displayed will focus on the single ASIN you are researching. Depending on the listing being analyzed, the process may take up to a minute.
Multiple Listing Analysis
To utilize the Listing Analyzer tool when using multiple listings, follow these steps:
- Select the market from the drop-down menu. Listing Analyzer focuses on a single market in every search.
- Enter the ASIN or the Amazon product page URL into the Enter a main ASIN field.
- Enter up to 10 additional ASINs into the Up to 10 competitor ASINs field. If you don’t have additional ASINs ready, use the Get Competitors button to choose from a list of competitors to research.
- Click the Run Analysis button to begin your research. All of the data displayed will focus on the ASINs you listed. Depending on the listings being analyzed, the process may take up to a minute.
Results Overview
Listing Analyzer will display the results divided into the following sections: a quick summary along the top of the page, a Sales Overview, Category & Subcategory BSR (Best Seller Ranking), Detail Page Traffic and Conversion, Listing Quality Score (LQS) Analysis, Competitor Analysis, and Top Keywords Analysis.
Note: These sections are available based on your subscription plan level.
Along the top of the Listing Analyzer results page, a summary bar with some basic metrics will be displayed.
- Listing Quality Score - displays a score on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) based on the number of Amazon best practices that were followed. This score is broken down in detail in the Listing Quality Score (LQS) Analysis section.
- Price - displays the current price for the listing. Clicking on the graph icon will show historical pricing.
- Stock - Currently estimated inventory in stock.
- Review Count - Total number of reviews.
- Age - Months since the listing went live.
Sales Overview
The Sales Overview displays up-to-date sales statistics and alerts for the ASIN, including FBA and FBM, and allows you to filter results based on date, sales amount, and sales units. You also have the option to Set Up Alerts from this section.
Category & Subcategory BSR
This section shows how well an ASIN is currently selling on Amazon when compared to competitors. Selecting the Improve in Amazon Attribution button will allow you to create attribution links which are a great way to improve your BSR. This link will only be present if you are using your own ASIN.
Detail Page Traffic and Conversion
Traffic measures which products customers are discovering most frequently. Products with higher sessions and page view numbers are being found most frequently. Conversion measures how effective you are at convincing customers to add your product to their shopping cart.
Note: This section will only populate if you have your token connected and you are using your own ASIN.
Compare Key Metrics Across ASINs
This section allows you to easily compare metrics across ASINs to help you find the listing advantages and disadvantages.
The Media Comparison button will allow you to compare and export listing images from multiple ASINs. You can export these images to further assist in your research.
You can add or remove columns in this section by selecting the gear icon in the top-right and then checking or unchecking each metric.
Average Listing Quality Score (LQS) Analysis
This section provides an analysis of the listing’s copy, media, and reviews. Hovering over the green checkmark will show which ASINs receive a passing grade for that criteria, and the X will show which ASINs receive a failing grade.
The Improve Your Score link will connect you with Helium 10 partners that are able to improve your listings.
Competitor Analysis
This section compares the selected ASIN’s performance to the group average and top performers in the market.
Top Keywords Analysis
This section provides metrics for top keywords and displays the strength of the opportunity that each keyword potentially has for each ASIN.
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