How Do I Create a QR Code in Portals?


A useful feature in Portals allows you to create QR Codes for your Portals, your product inserts, or digital ads. Let’s create a QR Code.

1. From the Helium 10 Dashboard, you can open Portals by selecting the Portals tab at the top of the screen or under the Marketing tab in the left side menu.

Helium 10 dashboard showing the two ways of opening Portals. Arrows pointing at the Portals tab at the top and the Portals tab on the left side menu under Marketing as described in the text above.

2. In Portals, use the left menu link to open the QR Codes window.

As described in the text above, the QR Codes tab is highlighted on the left side menu.

3. To create a QR Code, click on the New QR Code button.

As described in the text above, the New QR Code button is highlighted in the top right corner of the site.

4. To create a new QR code, start by naming it using the QR CODE NAME field at the top of the screen. We recommend naming your QR code based on the URL so it’s easier to find later. After you’ve decided on a name, choose a QR code type. Your options for QR code types are Portal Link, Tracked URL, or Untracked URL. See detailed descriptions below.

This screenshot shows the steps described above and below. 1. Enter the name of your QR code in the top field. 2. Choose your QR code type. 3. Click Save & Continue at the top right.

  • Portal Link: This will link to an already existing Portal webpage. Select an existing Portal from your library of Portals. Click on the Portal for which you want to make a QR Code, and then click the Select Portal URL button. After you have finalized your options, click the Save & Continue button. Proceed to step 5 to continue.

Screenshot shows the Portal Link selected and the existing portal links to choose from. Click Select Portal URL next to the one you choose.

  • Tracked URL: Portals will keep track of QR code scans, shortened URL statistics, scanned devices, and locations. Select the appropriate URL type and click the Add button. The next screen will depend on the URL type you select and will show you mandatory and optional fields to fill out before selecting the Add URL button to proceed. After you have finalized your options, click the Save & Continue button.

Image shows Tracked URL slected and the six options that are available: Custom URL, Canonical URL, Add to cart, Targeted ASIN search URL, Buy together, and Walmart 2-step via brand.

  • Untracked URL: Portals will not keep track of QR code scans and shortened URL statistics. Enter the URL into the field Untracked URL. Click the Save & Continue button to continue to the next step.

Image shows the Untracked URL selected and the untracked url field ready to be filled out.

5. The final step of the QR code creation process is the QR Design page. On this page, you can add your logo, add a new image, position the image, change the color of the code, add the URL under the QR Code, and adjust the Dot Scale. These design steps are optional. Once you have modified the QR Code to your preferences, click the Save & Finish button.

Image shows design options as described above.

6. When you’re finished, the new QR Code will appear in your list on the QR Code main web page.

Image shows the new QR code you created amongst the already existing QR codes.

Important: Do not forget to test your QR Code. If you added background images or reduced the dot scale, the QR Code may not scan properly. If this occurs, you can edit your QR code by selecting the actions (three dots) icon in the Actions column and selecting the edit icon.


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