Adtomic Suggestions

The Adtomic Suggestions page shows you the continuous suggestions for Bids for all your advertising campaigns, and it will show you New Keyword and Negative Keyword Suggestions for all manual advertising campaigns.

Navigating Adtomic Suggestions

By default, you will be brought to the “Bid Suggestions” view of the Adtomic Suggestions page. You have the ability to switch which suggestions are shown by using filters. The available suggestions which you can view are:

  • A.I. Bids
  • Bids
  • New Keywords
  • Negative Keywords

Applying Filters

The following is an exhaustive list of options and metrics you can filter by:

Available Filtering Options Available Filtering Metrics
Portfolio Target ACoS
Campaign ACoS
Keyword Spend
Campaign Type Sales



Change Type


You also have the ability to add and remove specific columns.

To add or remove metric columns:

  1. Click on the mceclip1.png “ table gear icon” towards the top-right of your table.
  2. Select the checkboxes for the metrics you want to see.
  3. Click Apply to close out of the select columns window to view your metrics below.



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Account Level A.I. Bid Settings

You can update account level settings related to bid settings. Towards the top right of the Bid Suggestions column to set specific account-wide bid settings across your entire account.

Suggestions Table

All your suggestions for the selected view will be presented towards the bottom of the Suggestions page. This is where you can view, apply, remove, or pause the provided suggestions for the following:

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Suggestions Views

There are five different views (or “tabs”) of Suggestions that you can view for your account. Each of these views provides suggestions based on the following types of rules that have been applied to your campaigns across your account.

A.I. Bid Suggestions

On the A.I. Bid Suggestions view, you will have the option to view recommended bid changes to take on your existing keywords and targets. These recommended bid changes, or “Suggestions,” are created for your Amazon Ads campaigns opted into an Adtomic Bid Algorithm (Target ACoS, Max Impressions, Max Orders). It is recommended that you first review the changes the suggestion is recommending before you take an action.


On the Bid Suggestions page, you will have the option to view recommended bid changes to take on your existing keywords and targets. These recommended bid changes, or “Suggestions,” are automatically created for your Amazon Ads campaigns that have been opted into a Custom Bid Rule. It is recommended that you first review the changes the suggestion is recommending before you take an action.

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New Keywords

On the New Keywords tab of the Suggestions page, you will see all of the search terms or ASINs that have met the thresholds of the rules you have configured for your campaigns, and recommend that you create keyword targets or ASIN targets from these search terms or ASINs.

Negative Keywords

On the Negative Keywords tab of the Suggestions page, you will see all of the search terms or ASINs that have met the thresholds of the rules you have configured for your campaigns, and recommend that you negate keyword targets or ASIN targets from these search terms or ASINs.


On the Budget tab of the Suggestions page, you will see all of the recommended budget changes have been configured for your campaigns opted into a Budget Rule and recommend the budget based on the rule.

Suggestion Actions

There are three actions you can take on your Bid Suggestions:

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Applying Suggestions

Applying a suggestion means that the suggested bid, keyword, negative keyword, or budget will be applied to the specific campaign, ad group, or target:

To apply a suggestion:

1. Click on the “checkmark” under the actions column depicted by the “checkmark,” “x,” and “pause” icons.

2. Click Apply X Changes at the top.

Removing Suggestions

Removing a suggestion means that the suggested bid, keyword, negative keyword or budget will not be applied to the specific campaign, ad group, or target until a new suggestion is generated.

To remove a suggestion:

1. Click on the “X” under the actions column depicted by the “checkmark,” “x,” and “pause” icons. mceclip0.png

2. Click Apply X Changes at the top.

Pausing Suggestions

Pausing a Suggestion means you no longer wish to collect data on the keyword or target in the campaign and ad group for suggestions. 

To pause a suggestion:

1. Click on the   "pause icon" under the actions column depicted by the “checkmark,” “x,” and “pause” icons. mceclip0.png

2. Click Apply X Changes at the top. 

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Account Level A.I. Bid Settings

Adtomic gives you the ability to set account wide settings regarding your A.I. Bids within the Suggestions Page. The settings you can update are the following:

  • Default ACoS Target
    • This default applies to any campaigns that haven't had their ACoS target edited. ACoS targets are used for automation decisions and color-coding metrics.
  • Maximum Bid
    • Limits how high bid suggestions and automation can go. For example, a limit of $3.00 means Adtomic will never suggest bids higher than $3.00 for any keyword.

      Note: Campaign level max bid settings, if set, will override account level bid settings.
  • Enforce Maximum
    • Checking this box will reduce any existing higher Suggestions down to your maximum bid. Leave unchecked to allow bids that are currently higher than the maximum to stay there.

Updating Account Level A.I. Bid Settings:

1. Click on the  “bid settings” icon at the top right of the Suggestions table

2. Adjust your settings

3. Click Apply

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