How Do I Update the Credit Card I Have on File with Helium 10?

When a change in your payment method is necessary, you'll need to update your credit card information in your Helium 10 account to ensure continuous service without disruption. 

1. To change the credit card you use to maintain your Helium 10 account, log in to your Helium 10 account. On the dashboard, in the upper-right corner, click on the user icon. In the drop-down menu, click on Plans & Billing.

2. At the top of the Plans & Billing page, click on View Billing History & Change Payment Preferences.

3. On your account page, your payment method will be stored in the top-right. Click on the blue Change link.

4. The Helium 10 Save Card window will pop up. Enter your updated payment information into the field and click on the blue Save Card button. Your payment method has now been changed, and upcoming charges will be applied to this payment method going forward. 



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