How Do I Reset or Change My Helium 10 Account Password?


1. To reset or change your Helium 10 account password, go to the password reset page. Type in the email address you have associated with your Helium 10 account. Click on the green Password Recovery button.


If the email address typed in is authentic, you will get a message alerting you that Helium 10 has sent a link to your email inbox that you can use to reset your password.


2. Login to your email account to access the link that will allow you to change your password. The new email from Helium 10 should appear in your Inbox shortly. (If you do not see an email, please check your spam folder in case the email was routed there.) Open the new email. Inside the email message, you will find a link to the page where you can reset your password. Click on the link.


3. Type in the new password you want associated with your account. Be sure to type it in identically in the second field. Click the green Set Password button. If the password is successfully reset, you will be taken directly to the main Helium 10 tool dashboard.




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