Adtomic Analytics

The Adtomic Analytics page ​​displays the analytical data relevant to all your campaigns based on the time period selected. The tabs at the top allow you to switch your display to show your campaigns at the Portfolio, Ad Group, Keyword, Search Terms, and Product Levels. The platform lets you view your advertising data in various ways on this page.

Navigating Adtomic Analytics

By default, you will be brought to the “Campaign” view of the Adtomic Analytics Page, and data will be sorted by Spend. You have the ability to add, remove, or rearrange metric columns on your current view. 

To add or remove metric columns:

  1. Click on the gear icon mceclip0.png towards the top-right of your table.
  2. Select the metrics you want to see.
  3. Click the gear icon mceclip0.png to close out of the selected metrics window to view your metrics below.

To rearrange metric columns:

  1. Click, hold, and drag a specific column to rearrange it on your table.
  2. Release your mouse button to drop the column into your selected position. 

Note: The solid blue bar as you drag the column indicates where the column will be positioned when you release your mouse button.



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Applying Filters

On each view within Adtomic Analytics, you will have the ability to filter by multiple options and metrics. The following is an exhaustive list of options and metrics you can filter by:

Available Filtering Options Available Filtering Metrics
Portfolio ROAS
Campaign Spend
Ad Group Impressions
Target Clicks
Search Term Orders
Campaign Type CPC
Status CVR

Note: Certain filtering options are only available depending on which “View” you are currently on.

To apply a specific filter:

  1. Click on the Show Filters button towards the far right of your filtering box.
  2. Input your preferred filtering options and metrics and click Apply Filters.

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Exporting Data

To export data:

  1. Click on the button towards the far right of your filtering box.
  2. Input your Email Address
  3. Choose whether you want the current page or all pages exported, and click Export.

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There are six different views within the Adtomic Analytics page that will show you metrics based on the selected. The six different views are:

  • Portfolio
  • Campaign
  • Ad Group
  • Target
  • Search Term
  • Product

On each of these views, you will find “Segmentation Toggles” towards the top-right of the metrics table, which allows you to segment by the following options:

  • Campaign
  • Ad Group
  • ASINs
  • Targets
  • Search Term


Note: Certain “Segmentation Toggle” options are only available depending on which “View” you are currently on.

Portfolio View

This will show you a list of all of your created portfolios and the metrics associated with each portfolio. If a campaign doesn’t belong to any portfolio, it will be grouped under the “No Portfolio” line item.

Clicking into a specific portfolio will automatically enable a filter for that portfolio and move you to the “Campaign” view.

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Campaign View

This will show you a list of all your created campaigns and the metrics associated with each campaign. This view also allows you to edit your campaigns in bulk using our Bulk Actions feature and also allows you to add campaigns for dayparting to an existing schedule configured within the Schedules page.

Clicking on a specific campaign will automatically enable a filter for that campaign and move you to the “Ad Group” view.

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Ad Group View

This will show you a list of all of your created ad groups within your campaigns and the metrics associated with each ad group.

Clicking into a specific ad group will automatically enable a filter for that ad group and move you to the “Target” view.

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Target View

This will show you a list of all the targets created within your campaigns and ad groups and the metrics associated with each target. This view also allows you to edit your targets in bulk using our Bulk Actions feature.

Clicking into a specific ad group will automatically enable a filter for that ad group and move you to the “Target” view.

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Negative Target View

This will show you a list of all of your negative targets within your campaigns and ad groups and the date each negative target was added.

Clicking on the negative target will show you the search terms associated with the negative target on the “Search Terms” view.

Clicking on a specific ad group will automatically enable a filter for that ad group and move you to the “Target” view.

Clicking on a specific campaign will automatically enable a filter for that campaign and move you to the “Ad Group” view.

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Search Term View

This will show you a list of all of the search terms your ads were shown for and the metrics associated with each search term.

From this view, you can also add any poor-performing search terms or ASINs as Negative targets to your campaigns.

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Product View

This will show you a list of all of the products you are advertising and the metrics associated with each product.

Note: The Product View does not currently support Sponsored Brand data. Sponsored Brand ads have multiple products and a store page associated with them, so we are currently unable to attribute the campaign’s metrics to the specific product that may have been clicked and/or purchased.

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Adtomic Analytics Actions

Within each of the different Adtomic views, there are specific actions that can be made. The list of actions that can be made are:

  • Bulk Actions
  • + Add to Schedule
  • + Portfolio
  • + Negative Targets
  • Status
  • + Negative
  • + Keyword
  • + Product Target
  • Copy Search Terms

Note: Some of these actions may not be applicable to all views of the Analytics page.

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Bulk Actions

Within the Campaign and Target views, you are able to make changes in bulk. The available changes you can make in bulk are:

On Campaign View

  • State changes (enabled, paused, archived)
  • Campaign Budget
  • Campaign Bid Automation
  • Campaign Target ACoS

On Targets View

  • State changes (enabled, paused, archived)
  • Target Bid

To make a bulk action change:

1. Select the campaigns or targets you wish to edit by clicking the checkbox while in the appropriate view.

2. Click on the Bulk Actions button at the top of your Analytics view.


3. Select the changes you wish to make and click Next.

4. Review your selected changes and click Submit Changes (or Back to edit your selections).

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Adding Campaigns to an Existing Schedule for Dayparting

Note: A schedule must have been created on the Schedules page prior to adding campaigns to an existing schedule. To learn more about configuring a schedule, review our Dayparting Schedules article.

To add campaigns to an existing schedule from the Campaigns view:

  1. Select the checkboxes next to the campaigns to add to an existing schedule
  2. Click + Add to Schedule
  3. Search for or find the existing schedule you want to add the selected campaigns to and click Add

For more on managing your campaigns, visit the Adtomic Ad Manager page!

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